A commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility

GEODIS uses seven Golden Rules to guide our responsibilities and actions. Three of our Golden Rules focus specifically on social responsibility: “Be a good citizen,” “Ensure the safety of our people everywhere and at any time,” and “Recruit, develop, and retain quality people.”

Our priorities are as follows:


Act for the climate and reduce our environmental impact.


Be a responsible employer committed to playing our role in society.


Choose ethical relationships based on trust.

Activity and sustainability reports

GEODIS publishes an annual Activity and Sustainability Report, which highlights our CSR strategy, approach, and impact. As a company, employer, and partner, we put social and environmental issues at the heart of what we do.

EN 2023 CSR Report

Complementary documentation


Double materiality analysis

Logistique urbaine, Agence D&E Paris boulevard Ney

GEODIS performed its first materiality analysis in 2023, with the aim of prioritizing the CSR issues facing the Group. This materiality analysis was carried out principally through consulting its main stakeholders, both internal and external and adopting a double materiality approach. 

Some of our actions:



Increasing demand means we must be mindful of the environmental impact of logistics and transport activities. GEODIS is committed to developing environmentally friendly solutions for our clients: low-carbon alternative transport, multimodal solutions, virtuous circular economy loops, etc.

Sustainable Transport

Responsible value chain


The ecological imperative is coupled with a duty to lead by example. GEODIS does so by actively ensuring that our own and our partners' value chains and processes respect the environment, human rights, health and safety, and the best international standards.

Health and safety


The Group's frequency rate for workplace accidents has seen a sharp decline of 30% over the last three years. This demonstrates the commitment of the Group and its employees to a safe workplace environment. 


Gender equality


Today, 40% of our employees are women, operating in traditionally male-dominated roles. And we are well on our way to achieving our target of having 25% women in top executive management positions filled by the end of 2023.